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News & FAQ's
Home Batteries and Energy Security
"Energy security" is one of those buzz phrases in the solar industry and something that we are often asked about. It refers to the...
Solar Generation and Shading
It's widely understood that shading is detrimental to solar power generation. In typical DC string systems, shading on a panel not only...
5 Great Reasons to Switch to Solar
Aside from a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, there are lots of other benefits to be gained when switching to solar; Solar is a...
5 things Solar can do for your Business
If you own the building that your business operates in, or you own and rent commercial properties, adding solar could drastically reduce...
3 Reasons to Incorporate Renewable Energy Systems into your New Build
It can add to the re-sale value. Solar is quickly becoming more mainstream, and having a system already installed could mean the...
The Economics of a Home Battery versus Solar Power
About Home Batteries Residential energy storage systems have become very topical in the last few years due to increased awareness and...
Hot Water System Timer and Time of Use Tariff
Use your Hot Water System (HWS) as a battery This involves the installation of a timer to limit the run time of the HWS element to...
Businesses going solar
Sunshine steps up as energy costs soar There has been recent substantial growth in commercial solar installation in Tasmania, with many...
3 things we always get asked about solar...
What will my savings be? This depends on a range of factors - the system size and installation location, shade limitations, and your...
Innovation and Technology Award Winners
EB Solar was recipient of the 2019 Launceston Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Award for Innovation and Technology. This is our...
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